技能実習生向け 雇用維持支援特設ページ

Special page for employment maintenance support for technical interns




We are looking for a company that accepts specific activities for technical intern trainees who have difficulty in continuing training due to the influence of the new coronavirus infection. If you wish, please fill out the form below.

  • 本取組をするにあたって、また特定活動の受入企業が決定しても、技能実習生より金銭はいただきません。
  • No money will be paid by technical intern trainees in making this effort even if the accepting company for a specific activity is decided.
  • 「連絡先」に当社の担当者よりご連絡させていただきますので、会話することができる電話番号、LINE ID、Facebookアカウントなどを教えてくださいますようお願いします。
  • Please let us know the phone number, LINE ID, Facebook account, etc. which you can talk, as the person in charge of our company will contact "contact number".

メモ: * は入力必須項目です


Note: * is a required item